Friday, April 25, 2014

(11) Interview with Tom

About Tom and the interview

Tom has been uploading videos to Youtube for several years. As well as having his own channel that he posts to, he also helps upload and manage for a group channel. He has worked with video games as well as anime videos, which is similar to the type of videos that I upload. This interview has been paraphrased so as to include the most valuable and concise information. Be sure to check out his channels so you can see the wonderful content that he works on.

What got you interested in posting videos on Youtube?

"When I started on Youtube a long time ago, I wanted to upload videos of me playing games. I wanted people to watch me play games, because I was already playing games anyway. It looked like fun so I gave it a shot."

What sort of content do you upload to Youtube?

"On my channel I usually upload video games. On the Light Novel Brigade channel I am uploading audiobooks."

What concerns do you have about uploading videos that have copyrighted material?

"Well, for the games I usually play games that i've seen other people play on Youtube before. That way I know that Youtube doesn't have a problem with people playing them. The audiobooks aren't really a problem either. Since i've got friends reading them from a fan-translated book, I don't think that it would cause any issues. The content could be viewed as a commentary or parody of the original work."

Has Youtube's uploading policy ever bothered you, and if so have you ever considered using a different video sharing website because of Youtube's Terms of Service?

"I've had a few issues with uploading videos to Youtube. Some other content like fandubs i've worked on have been blocked as soon as i've uploaded them. I understand why they are blocked though, so I can't really complain about it. The videos I had wanted to upload did have a large amount of the original content still there. I haven't considered using another website because Youtube is so popular. It's where everyone is. There aren't enough serious issues with it to have me wanting to use a different website."

Lastly, do you think that Youtube should be more flexible about the content that it allows people to upload to their website?

"It would be great if videos could be uploaded without having to worry about copyright strikes, but that's sort of what the laws are for. If I really had a complaint about the stuff I upload being taken down I could dispute it. I think that Youtube as it is now is just fine."

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